A downloadable game for Android

This is the official Android APK version of the original 9th Dawn II (2) game from the Google Play Store. The software is provided "as-is", as the app is very old and may not be supported on newer devices, probably wont work over Android 13.

I have provided this for players as I keep getting asked about why it was removed from Google Play - the simple answer is, it's too old and outdated! So if you have an older device and want to play it, give it a shot!

The Steam PC version of the game is still available: https://store.steampowered.com/app/279070/ 

Check out 9th Dawn Remake coming soon :) 


Published 2 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing


9thDawnII_2016.apk 66 MB

Install instructions

Install the .apk file. May require external apps being installed setting, be warned this is only recommended for advanced users.

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